Class Descriptions
Reiki Classes for Self-Healing and to Help Heal Others
Reiki is a known and proven holistic, hands-on healing technique. It works by helping the body to release anxiety, depression, stress and tension. It creates a feeling of deep relaxation allowing the body’s natural healing to accelerate. It releases muscle spasms and allows better blood flow. It stimulates the immune system and helps to cleanse toxins, bringing the body back to a more whole and balanced place. It also releases emotional blockages such as trauma and grief.
Inner Balance Healing Sanctuary offers all levels of Reiki Classes

Call for class dates & pricing 814-790-5495 or click here.
Reiki Class Level I
In this course, you will learn how to send and receive the healing energy of Reiki. Learning Reiki can boost your life to a new level allowing you to create a deeper connection to your own inner wisdom and higher self.
Reiki Class Level II
Reiki II takes us further into ourselves and gives us more powerful tools for self-discovery and integration with the help of several symbols, we learn to let Universal Life Energy flow more efficiently. Second degree Reiki can be used in the same situations as Reiki I except now we can use either symbol to intensify the effect. With the use of these symbols, we learn to make direct contact with our subconscious and superconscious mind. In this level of Reiki, we also learn absentee healing.
Advanced Reiki Training
The Advanced Reiki Training class is not the full Reiki III (Master) training class. It is offered to those students who want to use the (UDKM) symbol to use in their practice but are not ready to teach and initiate others.
This class offers additional healing skills to enhance healing ability. We focus more on the elements and meditation. You will learn to make a Reiki Healing Grid as well as learn how to do Aura clearing. The elements play a key role in healing ability. In Advanced Reiki, you will gain a better understanding of how the elements relate to the human body and connect to the balance of wholeness.
The Reiki Grid comes from specific information about the energetic properties of crystals and how they interact with Reiki energy. Specifically, making use of a crystal’s ability to absorb the intention of the Reiki practitioner.
The student will receive a certificate of completion as a Practicing Master.
Reiki Level III – For those who want to become Reiki Teachers
At Inner Balance Healing Sanctuary, we teach third level Reiki only to students who are interested in and prepared to teach Reiki Level I and Level II classes and teach others to teach Reiki. For those who feel like they might be interested, they should ask themselves whether they are prepared to serve the commitment of being a Reiki Master.
Third degree Reiki is taught in a variety of ways. Some instructors will initiate (attune) students into the third level without giving the class structures to their students for becoming teachers. Some Reiki Practitioners use the title Reiki Master yet they have never taught a Reiki Class and many are not comfortable giving attunements because they have never been taught how to do so. The fact that the title of “Master” was given to the student by the teacher; and so, it was simply accepted. This is not a judgment, just an observation.
Our Reiki Level III course is a 5 to 7 week course, depending on class size. It is important that the student is committed to attend these classes and that the student allow time between classes to review and study the material given. The time period between sessions allows the student the ability to reflect on and experience the material taught.
Going through the process of becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher is an intense experience on a very personal level. Reiki brings about balance in your life. Graduation from class does not close the chapter on learning Reiki. Reiki will become an intricate part of your life.
Call for class dates & pricing 814-790-5495 or click here.
Spiritual Healing Classes
At Inner Balance Healing Sanctuary, we offer classes in the oral lineage tradition of spiritual healing. All classes and workshops are taught in a manner that allows the student to fully grasp the information. All classes and workshops are taught in specific format to allow each chapter to build on the knowledge gained from previous ones. All classes and workshops will include time for practical practice and discussions after each exercise.
Our goal is to have a greater understanding of the Healing Intelligence and the Divine connection (within) to enhance the pathway of the Healer and their personal Spiritual growth.
Please note: We each learn and grow at our own unique pace. There is no required time period to complete these classes. We start at the beginning and allow your inner voice to guide you on your journey.

Our current offering of workshops is a series called:
Journey of the Heart; The Healer’s Pathway.
-Workshop 1: The Healer’s Calling
This entry level this workshop will discuss and teach the difference between personal energy and spiritual energy. It will help students to identify and attune to their own divine connection and the healing intelligence. This workshop is open to all healers; and is ideal for those who are feel they may be interested in healing, but don’t know where to start.
*Please note, Workshop 1: The Healer’s Calling is prerequisite for all other classes in this series.
– Workshop 2: The Pathway of the Healer
This workshop will build upon the Level 1 Workshop (The Healer’s Calling). In this workshop, we will discuss the attunement process of blending with Spirit to build the power and initiate the flow of healing. Healing must be done for the benefit of the spirit of the person receiving the healing. What does this mean to the healer? This workshop will include time for practice and discussions after each exercise. Our goal is to have a greater understanding of the Healing Intelligence and the Divine connection to enhance the pathway of the Healer and their personal Spiritual growth. This workshop is open to all healers.
Workshop 1: The Healer’s Calling is a required prerequisite for this class.
– Workshop 3: Healing in Unity
In our third workshop of this series, we will discuss the process of blending with Spirit and the elements to build power and to help understand what the elements have to do with healing. We will cover the importance of all elements and the Creator when by yourself or where Healers gather. The workshop will include time for practice and discussions after each exercise. Our goal is for you to have a greater understanding of the Healing Intelligence and the Divine connection to enhance the pathway of the Healer and their personal Spiritual growth.
Workshop 1: The Healer’s Calling is a required prerequisite for this class.
-Workshop 4: The Rhythm of the Healer
“We are created in rhythm, kept alive in rhythm, evolve through rhythm. Tides, breath, and blood flow in rhythm. We are born into a universe of currents, and our heart is the great conductor of the body, orchestrating our flow.”
This workshop follows the Healing in Unity. When we are in touch with our own energy and our connection to the universe, we sense when the best times for work, rest, or play are. Nature has a rhythm that tells plants and animals when to move outward and when to go inward. You will learn when you are in touch with your own rhythms, you are connected to your energy source and will know how to best utilize your energy. How does this effect the healer? What can we do to enhance our healing when gather as Healer’s?
Workshop 1: The Healer’s Calling is a required prerequisite for this class.
-Workshop 5: The Power of the Inner Voice and the One
“It is during the most difficult times that we need to trust and find solace that, in fact, things are in divine order”
As we take our places in this earthly realm, a part of us remains completely free of the confines we face here. Regardless of what is happening in our lives, this part of us remains infused with joy and gratitude, connected to the unbroken source from which we come. Learn the techniques that the healer may use to connect with the divine within. Learn to develop a regular practice that provides you access to this all-powerful and healing presence.
When we take the time to listen to our inner voice and focus our thoughts on the goals that resonate the most strongly within us, we can make choices that will nurture body, mind and soul.
Workshop 1: The Healer’s Calling is a required prerequisite for this class.
-Workshop 6: The Wonderful World of Color
Every day color influences our attitudes and emotions; and affects the way we think and act. Marketing companies know this and invest millions of dollars in research to see how color affects consumers in an effort to sell more products. Color is used in every industry including the healthcare industry. Everything from the color of the treatment rooms to the scrubs that medical professional wear, is carefully planned to orchestrate you experience. Color affects all of our daily lives. In this workshop, we will examine how color affects the human body and psyche as well as how it affects spiritual healing. We do this through a series of activities and exercises that allow each student to take a closer look at their color preferences and biases. For this class, you will need to be a writing tablet and pencil or pen. You will also need to be comfortable with being in a room where we will have no light for brief periods of time for some of the activities and exercises.
Workshop 1: The Healer’s Calling is a required prerequisite for this class.
-Workshop 7: Emerging into the Light – Working with the Shadow Self
We all have parts of ourselves that we dislike or disapprove of. These can be personality traits, behaviors, emotions, thoughts, habits or memories. Many of these parts originate from doubts, fears, guilt or shame; often going back to childhood. These so-called unacceptable or negative aspects of ourselves make up the “shadow self”. The reason that Shadow Self is often ignored or denied is because it doesn’t fit in with our concept of who we are or should be.
Everyone has a Shadow Self
As we learn to heal by looking within, we can learn to embrace our shadow selves, leading to a calmer, more balanced, fulfilled existence.
In this course we will take a deep look inside and explore our own shadow selves. We will seek to find, understand, accept and embrace those ‘unacceptable’ parts. Not to dwell within the dark, but to shine the light of acknowledgement and acceptance on them; and to be willing to work honestly on our own shadow. A Healer needs to heal themselves to bring balance in their life, to facilitate healing within and bring balance to others.
Our goal is to have a greater understanding of the Healing Intelligence and the Divine connection to enhance the pathway of the Healer and their personal Spiritual growth.
“It is only through shadows that one comes to know the light.” – St. Catherine of Siena
Workshop 1: The Healer’s Calling is a required prerequisite for this class.
What is a Spiritual Healer?
Spiritual healing is not faith healing. It requires no belief or faith whatsoever in the part of the person seeking healing. Nor is it necessary for the recipient to have the same belief(s) as that of the healer administering the healing. The only requirements that are helpful are that a person should be aware of their own well-being and that they continue any medical treatment(s) that have been prescribed by their medical professional.
Spiritual healing is defined as a form of healing by the use of forces and energy from God, channeled through the spirit world and a spiritualist healing medium by the laying of hands on the body or prayer or the direction of thought from a distance.*
*Source: The Spiritualist National Union of England